Episode 86: Nintenda Entertainment System

This week's theme is the beloved Nintendo Entertainment System, the first among many console conversations the DV Cast plans to have. Although the general idea was to have an amiable bit of nostalgia time by remembering the early days of playing the box-shaped piece of plastic, the show rapidly turns into a psychoanalytical trip into Stephen's troubled mind as a xenophobic youngster while everyone else is exposed as antisocial shut-ins. None of this should surprise you. Beyond NES titles from the old days, Cameron finds The Last of Us to have lackluster everything-but-the-story, Stephen relates with Thomas Was Alone (possibly because of his childhood), Bryan reminds everyone that Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams has super good music, and Zachary gives Donkey Kong Country Returns 3D a proper thumbs-up. It's a real good episode. [audio https://www.cubby.com/p/_79a9638743ba4844b18ef335436fa68c/Disembodied%20Voices%20-%20Episode%2086%20V2.mp3]

Opening song: Electrolytic Man, originally from Mega Man and ReMixed by MaJIN_SaN, ambient, and tomatsu.

Ending song: The Life and Death of the Mario Bros., originally from Super Mario Bros. and ReMixed by Mattias Häggström Gerdt.


Episode 85: Robots and Multiplayer Games

This week's show is all about robots! That's a lie, actually, but robots are heavily involved. More to the point, the qualities of a strong multiplayer are mode are dissected (Cameron's verdict on necessary components is "fun"); beloved moments of multiplayer gone by come to light, including 100% loony Call of Duty stunts and that wheelchair guy from Final Fight; and a brand new quiz show called TGIWIORWDIYHTGTGME is introduced. On the recently played games front, Cameron loves/laments his time with Dust: An Elysian Tail, Bryan goes on about Not Game of the Year 2012 Darksiders II, and Stephen uses Binary Domain to steer the conversation toward robots again. Have a listen and type something about your feelings (preferably about the episode's new format, but if you just need to get something off your chest, feel free). [audio https://www.cubby.com/p/_3c236897ffee43ada048979369aa29d4/Disembodied%20Voices%20-%20Episode%2085.mp3]

Opening song: Electrolytic Man, originally from Mega Man and ReMixed by MaJIN_SaN, ambient, and tomatsu.

Ending song: Robotastic Dub-o-Matic Genetic Lab, originally from Return All Robots and ReMixed by Mattias Häggström Gerdt.

Episode 84: E3 2013 feat. Sonic R

That special time of year, bursting with excitement and merriment, has finally arrived once more, and it's not Christmas nor Bryan playing Scrolls. E3 is the topic this week, along with the bountiful bevy of video games shown at its many conferences and pseudo-conferences. Although the lack of Cameron means an unfortunate dearth in hyperbolic statements, the rest of the DV Cast do their best to recap all their surging emotions on the newsiest episode of Disembodied Voices you'll find all year. Zachary nearly chokes on his own derision when the concept of free-to-play Killer Instinct appears, Bryan makes a lot of super funny puns, and Stephen reveals that his favorite person in the world is Charles Martinet. Other stuff happens, too.

[audio https://www.cubby.com/p/_80541aad28cc4a6a90964e0ac6a456cc/Disembodied%20Voices%20-%20Episode%2084.mp3]

Opening song: Electrolytic Man, originally from Mega Man and ReMixed by MaJIN_SaN, ambient, and tomatsu.

Ending song: Mario Ascends to the Clouds, originally from Super Mario Land and ReMixed by Argle.

Episode 83: The Crossing of the Animals

The number of podcasters this week matches the number of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, which makes for a heartwarming reunion that warms the heart. Animal Crossing: New Leaf is the centerpiece of the discussion, including a live demonstration of Stephen and Cameron meeting up in-game to trade fruits and run around in circles spamming incoherent letters into the chat window. Mr. Resetti almost shows up and things get downright crazy when Cameron buys a new skirt, but Bryan is unable to join the shenanigans without a copy of his own.  Zachary, however, can't be bother with the silly animal friendship simulator whatsoever, opting instead for another visual novels of anime descent. Scrolls and the Xbox One are also discussed, but since this episode was recorded before E3 2013, nobody knows about the Wii Fit trainer appearing in Super Smash Bros. Otherwise that would have been the centerpiece. [audio https://www.cubby.com/p/_cc6fda03687f4c52b6fabe84fa8f632b/Disembodied%20Voices%20-%20Episode%2083.mp3]

Opening song: Electrolytic Man, originally from Mega Man and ReMixed by MaJIN_SaN, ambient, and tomatsu.

Ending song: Enjoying the Rain, originally from Animal Crossing and ReMixed by Salluz.

Episode 82: Deep Dish Podcast

This episode of Disembodied Voices is, as they used to say in the olden times of your ancestor's ancestors, a doozy. Stephen begins the show with a confusing time travel gag, which almost immediately loses him the hosting seat. Thank the gods of artful podcastery that Bryan leads his noble band into more intelligent territory, including dating sims and Noid. Speaking of the former, Zachary has essentially given his life for a visual novel whose title he declines to impart, leading nicely into Stephen's xenophobic diatribe on people and the silly relationships they have. All of this relates to Liberation Maiden and Binary Domain, both of which Stephen has been enjoying over the weekend. His brother has been rather American about the whole affair-- opting for Knights of the Old Republic and a small chunk of Anarchy Online-- just to increase the cultural confusion. It's a pretty dumb episode, folks. [audio https://www.cubby.com/p/_86c8f42abc994e1080fcd96b8ee7c232/Disembodied+Voices+-+Episode+82.mp3]

Opening song: Electrolytic Man, originally from Mega Man and ReMixed by MaJIN_SaN, ambient, and tomatsu.

Ending song: OverClocked Spot, originally from Cool Spot and ReMixed by Big Giant Circles.

Episode 81: The Lumberjack Slam

With Zachary out the picture, this week's episode of Disembodied Voices becomes a landslide of anti-Metal-Gear-Solid-3 propaganda, complete with critical analysis (emphasis on the "critical") of its many weirdo bosses, missed opportunities, and that one ladder scene. Speaking of being down on things, the Xbox One fails to capture the interest of anyone in the virtual room, unlike the captivating subject of breakfast at Denny's. Thankfully the gears are shifted into positive mode for Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon, despite shaky pacing thanks to the unacceptably impatient Professor E. Gadd. Speaking of people with near-maniacal obsession to overly complicated hobbies, speedrunners and the speedruns they speedrun are discussed with due respect, concluding with the decision that Cameron will speedrun Resident Evil 4 while Stephen and Bryan speedrun nothing. You really should stick around to the very end. You don't want to miss that Denny's bit, do you? [audio https://www.cubby.com/p/_6a0f9d5b37dd47cebd0464b0b0730c8f/Disembodied%20Voices%20-%20Episode%2081.mp3]

Opening song: Electrolytic Man, originally from Mega Man and ReMixed by MaJIN_SaN, ambient, and tomatsu.

Ending song: Thunderstruck, originally from Ocarina of Time and ReMixed by Big Giant Circles and some1namedjeff.

Episode 80: Episode Russia

If you are of Russian descent and have a penchant for video game podcasts, Disembodied Voices will delight and maybe offend you in spades. Not only has Zachary forgone his old hat American accent for something far more majestic, but he talks extensively about Metro: Last Light, wherein his true kinsmen reside. Without straying far from the same country, Metal Gear Solid 3 is put in the uncomfortable place of being simultaneously scorned and praised I have stolen this wordpress post this is Cameron and Stephen will never control my brain for its unconventional unconventionality, emphasized with Bryan's boastful claim of ruthlessly chasing down an old man with a shotgun. That leads neatly into Stephen's new segment, Metal Gear Mad Libs, which immediately goes very wrong. Listening to Disembodied Voices Episode 80, however, is very right, and is a thing you should do! [audio https://www.cubby.com/p/_6dfbace777924267a3553c1b8733f305/Disembodied%20Voices%20-%20Episode%2080.mp3]

Opening song: Electrolytic Man, originally from Mega Man and remixed by MaJIN_SaN, ambient, and tomatsu.

Ending song: Snake's Revenge, originally from Metal Gear and remixed by Musicalman.

Episode 79: May the Force Be With Luuke

Star Wars The Clone Wars: Republic Heroes. Yoda's Stories. Star Wars Galaxies. Salacious Crumb: Nighttime Assassin. If you've no stomach for weird and/or bad Star Wars games, you might want to reach for the Alka-Seltzer because that topic dominates this episode of Disembodied Voices like a too-vigorous dose of jalapeno. Cameron's out of the picture, but everyone else is pretending to be friends in the most pleasant of ways: Zachary takes one for the team by promising to review a particularly poor game gifted by the anti-generous Cameron, Stephen wants to talk about Balloon Fight (apparently?), and Bryan is acquiring Money & Castles in Mount & Blade. Light on content and heavy on silliness, everyone is pretty much hoping you'll listen to the end purely for Shadow of the Colossus. [audio https://www.cubby.com/p/_478e115e80744d8bb1cc6a42ac9e8f80/Disembodied%20Voices%20-%20Episode%2079%20levelator.mp3]

Opening song: Electrolytic Man, originally from Mega Man and remixed by MaJIN_SaN, ambient, and tomatsu.

Ending song: Wanderer on the Offensive, originally from Shadow of the Colossus and remixed by B33J, Cerrax, Sixto Sounds, and nonsensicalexis.

Episode 78: Back in the Groove

The DV Cast is back in full effect and ready to bring you absolutely zero useful video game news in lieu of stuff they want to talk about! Someone has stolen Zachary's pants, but whether Cameron or the gnomes from Golden Axe II are to blame is impossible to say. Speaking of Cameron stealing things, he'd rather pirate the next Infinity Ward game than give them his hard-earned money, neither plan of which Disembodied Voices officially supports. At least he didn't illegitimately acquire (for long) Fary Cry 3: Blood Dragon, which Zachary now loves more than the human race. He certainly appreciates it more than he does Stephen and Bryan, who both want to talk about World of Warcraft and Mount & Blade but get shot down without mercy, forcing them to dive into philosophy instead. Philosophy and Altered Beast, that is. Clearly a barrel of monkeys would be hard pressed to compete with the fun on display in Episode 78 of Disembodied Voices, so turn up the volume and join in! [audio https://www.cubby.com/p/_df8b9c1b06a344939440b0ba19b787d5/Disembodied%20Voices%20-%20Episode%2078.mp3]

Opening song: Electrolytic Man, originally from Mega Man and remixed by MaJIN_SaN, ambient, and tomatsu.

Ending song: Resurrection by Breakbeat, originally from Altered Beast and remixed by djpretzel.

Episode 77: This Podcast is Like Wal-Mart

Hi. This is Disembodied Voices, a podcast for all of humanity to enjoy. Although video games are the attempted focus, Bryan wants to browse Wikipedia and read you snippets from 1877 history, so buckle up for an exciting ride this week. But hold up now and fear not! All the critically acclaimed games you're dying to hear about are just around the corner, including Working Dawgs: Rivet Retriever and Dress to Play: Cute Witches! These heavy-hitting legends aside, talk of the latest Nintendo Direct drifts through the new Yoshi's Island game, A Link to the Past 2, and flying Pikmin. Pandora's Tower and Dishonored DLC are also visited, both of which include off-putting amounts of raw meat. That ought to sell you on Episode 77 of Disembodied Voices for sure. [audio https://www.cubby.com/p/_aa1a07dda66943698b82171e6c741d7d/Disembodied+Voices+-+Episode+77.mp3]

Opening song: Electrolytic Man, originally from Mega Man and remixed by MaJIN_SaN, ambient, and tomatsu.

Ending song: Gimme My Sword!, originally from Link's Awakening/A Link to the Past and remixed by Rekcahdam.

Episode 76: The Legend of Titan Tails

Kevin Conroy joins the DV Cast for this special edition of the renowned video game podcast except not really because it's just Stephen doing a Batman impression. He's been inspired by the Injustice: Gods Among Us demo, you see, which somehow pulls the discussion into a sinkhole of Sonic the Hedgehog Archie comics. Speaking of plots that make little to no sense, BioShock Infinite gets some non-spoilery air time, including Bryan's ultra hard mode second playthrough. Stephen has been busy torturing himself as well, what with Viewtiful Joe's soul crushing boss encounters and BattleBlock Theater's gauntlet of terror; it's a wonder he's anything more than an empty husk of shattered hope by now. But to keep the glass half full of sake, Zachary has been busy playing JRPGs like Persona 4 and Fire Emblem: Awakening. Don't miss out on the super duper fun! [audio https://www.cubby.com/p/_bd00ee90aaf343f985d9752c4ff90235/Disembodied+Voices+-+Episode+76.mp3/]

Opening song: Electrolytic Man, originally from Mega Man and remixed by MaJIN_SaN, ambient, and tomatsu.

Ending song: Picolescene, originally from Tails and the Music Maker and remixed by zircon.

Episode 75: Donkey Konga for No Reason

Super Important Note: This episode was originally slated for April 2, 2013 but due to technological silliness was replaced with this thing. Rather than waste a perfectly good episode, it is being released now. Thanks. Welcome, welcome! This is the 75th episode of Disembodied Voices, the video game podcast that just won't stop. This week there is much ado about the Wii U gamepad's potential and lack of potential, coupled with LEGO City Undercover and its collect-a-thon ways. Although Stephen has been wrapped up in this mostly terrestrial adventure, Bryan ventures into the sky world of BioShock Infinite to bring news that it's a nifty game. Cameron has his doubts, thus finds his way to more meaningful and mature entertainment such as Bayonetta. You will also find Resident Evil 4 shopkeeper impressions in Episode 75, so come join the fun for even more fun-filled fun!

[audio https://www.cubby.com/p/_08a217c6ecb34ae18e0127e8b8e6aef2/Disembodied+Voices+-+Episode+75.mp3]

Opening song: Electrolytic Man, originally from Mega Man and remixed by MaJIN_SaN, ambient, and tomatsu.

Ending song: SimFunkadelic, originally from SimCity 2000 and remixed by Dr. Velvet and HALO_ZERO.

Episode 74: Duck Amuck

Why did Buzz Lightyear of Star Command receive 65 episodes? Are Donald Duck, Scrooge McDuck, and possibly Daffy Duck related? Would Stephen now be a better human being if he hadn't watched Power Rangers when he was a child? These are only a small sampling of head-scratching conundrums that Disembodied Voices serves up, and we haven't even gotten to the video games yet. Yes, it's true  that Cameron only makes a text-based cameo in this installment, but the rest of the DV Cast carry on the torch by talking about lots and lots of things. Zachary has so-so thoughts on Dead Space 3 (AKA Kill Place 3), but most of his energy is dedicated to spending unholy amounts of time with Persona 4. Stephen has dived into a full-blown LEGO craze, shuffling through random LEGO-themed CD-ROMs of his past whenever taking a break from LEGO City Undercover. Bryan is mostly just playing StarCraft, but he has a kind word for Natural Selection 2, even if that just means comparing it to StarCraft. Indeed, there is fun-- a great bundle of fun-- to be found here at Disembodied Voices Episode 74. [audio https://www.cubby.com/p/_a26b08b17c8a43ada59188817a946a38/Disembodied+Voices+-+Episode+74.mp3]

Opening song: Electrolytic Man, originally from Mega Man and remixed by MaJIN_SaN, ambient, and tomatsu.

Ending song: Duck Blur, originally from DuckTales and remixed by Star Salzman.

Episode 73: Not Episode 72

You have come. You have come to the throes of destiny-- YOUR destiny-- and it is called Disembodied Voices. This podcast will reveal to you many things and many things will be revealed. Stephen demonstrates the language of Twi'leki as he speaks of the mystical and ancient game of pazaak; Bryan summons his inner Sun Tzu to wage a physical and spiritual war against the vile Zerg; Cameron draws upon a raindrop-filled well of wisdom to elaborate on the nature of personal ownership and its enlightenment; Zachary offer instruction on the art of outrunning the Komodo dragon itself. In other words, everyone talks about video games. Come, be not afraid, and listen to this podcast, good haly. (That's Twi'leki for "visitor".) [audio https://www.cubby.com/p/_cb17dff66e9a47eabedd98a9a8b11409/Disembodied+Voices+-+Episode+73.mp3]

Opening song: Electrolytic Man, originally from Mega Man and remixed by MaJIN_SaN, ambient, and tomatsu.

Ending song: Last Dance of the Giants, originally from The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask and remixed by Kozlitek.

Episode 72: Chickens of Kakrika

Disembodied Voices descends upon the waking world for another podcast about video games, complete with all your favorite characters of the DV Cast. Bryan and Cameron assure the conversation takes a sharp, immediate turn towards StarCraft II as they congratulate one another on military victories and force Zachary into missing the simple days of flat out cheating. Darksiders II is still hanging around thanks to Stephen, a man who wouldn't know what a Forge Land is if it punched him in the gut, and meanwhile Crysis 3's silly rope physics are most definitely knot appreciated. A brand new segment called Let's Pronounce Zelda Things, Woo is introduced to keep the plot interesting, which leads to the startling revelation that Bryan's middle name is Bob.  Indeed, there are a whole host of inside jokes that can only be understood and tenderly loved should you listen to Disembodied Voices Episode 72, so consider doing just that! [audio https://www.cubby.com/p/_d5fff7c974be46fdbce40446b43cfe3e/Disembodied+Voices+-+Episode+72.mp3]

Opening song: Electrolytic Man, originally from Mega Man and remixed by MaJIN_SaN, ambient, and tomatsu.

Ending song: Agahnim Arsenik, originally from The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past and remixed by AeroZ.

Episode 71: More Like Dr. Ro-TALK-nik

Zachary may be woefully AWOL this episode, but the remaining DV cast pull their own weight by talking about video games a whole bunch. Cameron and Bryan have fallen into a StarCraft II hole and can't get out as Stephen desperately tries to claw his way from a Fire Emblem: Awakening shaped crater in his life. It's not all strategy game hijinks, however: the adventures of Darksiders II (and misadventures of The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword) add a dash of action and RPG to the mix. Your weekly dose of baditude can be found in Shadow the Hedgehog and DmC: Devil May Cry, neither of which feature enough silly acrobatics. As icing on the cake, the PlayStation 4 Minute delivers all the news you'll ever need about Sony's upcoming console, unless, that is, you want useful information or developed opinions. So what are you waiting for? Pop on your headphones and enjoy Disembodied Voices Episode 71 today! [audio https://www.cubby.com/p/_f182c9e521354184b0308145068a8382/Disembodied+Voices+-+Episode+71.mp3]

Opening song: Electrolytic Man, originally from Mega Man and remixed by MaJIN_SaN, ambient, and tomatsu.

Ending song: Funky Side Up, originally from Sonic & Knuckles and remixed by metaphist.

Episode 70: A Pretty Much Okay Episode

Disembodied Voices is ready and willing to celebrate the Year of Luigi with high-jumping, ghost-fearing enthusiasm-- or, at the very least, Stephen clearly is. But hey, everyone else is game to talk about the recent Nintendo Direct broadcast and it's moderately sized avalanche of announcements, even the conversation eventually bleeds into new consoles and Activision/Bungie's destiny. The future of the gaming industry is usually a really dumb subject here at Disembodied Voices, and this week more or less proves the point. Nevertheless, despite rampant pessimism and shaky speculation on years to come, Hyrule Historia and Fire Emblem: Awakening swoop in to makes things right again. If you're looking for a pretty much okay episode of the hippest video game podcast on the 'net, Disembodied Voices Episode 70 is your first and last stop. [audio https://www.cubby.com/p/_0c5ba130a46c4d32a1d4cb76fc6c586f/Disembodied+Voices+-+Episode+70.mp3]

Opening song: Electrolytic Man, originally from Mega Man and remixed by MaJIN_SaN, ambient, and tomatsu.

Ending song: Clash at the Mountains, originally from The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening and remixed by zircon.

Episode 69: Disembodied Voices Awakening

Disembodied Voices is back and nothing will ever be the same again! Well, you've got Stephen, Bryan, Cameron, and Zachary sitting around and talking about video games, sure-- but other than that, nothing will ever be the same again! The structure is new, the theme song is new, and there will be newer new stuff to come. The newness is almost unbearable. Yes, the tea table has been upended, leaving a brand new format of conversational free-flowing free-for-all in its wake. During this exciting time in Disembodied Voices history, Cameron wants to talk about Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time, so Stephen performs the greatest talent he possesses: a Bentley impression. Speaking of totally unrelated things, the confounding Shin Megami Tensei series is (kind of) explained courtesy of Zach, while the topic of Fire Emblem: Awakening leads onto a chat about difficulty difficulties in the video gaming world. A plethora of other topics are dived into as well, concluding with everybody's top and bottom three Final Fantasy games. Disembodied Voices Episode 69 is, quite frankly, the place to be. [audio https://www.cubby.com/p/_b1c67c0cb6b144c381b91d0d0eaccdaa/Disembodied+Voices+-+Episode+69.mp3]

Opening song: Electrolytic Man, originally from Mega Man and remixed by MaJIN_SaN, ambient, and tomatsu.

Ending song: Dance of Descent, originally from Final Fantasy and remixed by Brandon Strader and Ikzemia.

Episode 68: The Speed of Love

Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to the 68th episode of Disembodied Voices. The Espionage Santa Xperience reveals its true form in this action-packed installment, including four debatably amazing gifts of non-malicious origin. Zachary attempts to explain his complicated relationship with NiGHTS Into Dreams, Stephen tiptoes around To the Moon spoilers, Bryan stands tall in the face of F.E.A.R., and Cameron totally hates Sonic Adventure 2. Of course, it's not just belated Christmas presents that share this week's spotlight. Thirty Flights of Loving is greatly loved in spite of (or because of) nonsensical absurdity while XCOM: Enemy Unknown is granted accolades for doing pretty much everything right. LEGO Lord of the Rings is no slouch either, what with all its funny funny funny antics, and Uncharted: Golden Abyss is held up as a shining example of the Vita's power. Best of all, you lucky listeners get to hear Cameron sing again! [audio http://dl.dropbox.com/u/98302924/Disembodied%20Voices%20-%20Episode%2068.mp3]

Opening song: Escape From the City from Sonic Adventure 2 by Jun Senoue/Tony Harnell/Ted Poley.

Other opening song:  Test Dummy, originally from Mega Man 2 and remixed by AE.

Ending song: Twin Seeds Flyby, originally from NiGHTS Into Dreams and remixed by Level 99.

And in case you wanted it, here's Cameron's chart comparing Sonic '06 and Sonic Adventure 2:


Episode 67: A Heated Round of Broomsticks

High adventure is alive and well in Disembodied Voices Episode 67, just waiting for an unsuspecting soul like you to wander in through the wardrobe of podcasting. Dragonborn is discussed with great enthusiasm, harkening back to Episode Skyrim so long ago, along with the greater world of Elder Scrolls DLC. On a smaller scale, Stephen and Bryan both have nice things to say about Noitu Love 2 Devolution and FTL, largely because there isn't anything not nice to say about them. As for Zachary, the old bean, he's all about Lego Harry Potter and its simple joys. In case you loyal listeners are curious to hear about every single Harry Potter character ever from a legitimate source, Stephen and Bryan have you covered. But the knowledge doesn't stop there; whether you need to know the proper translation for Ni No Kuni or how to end a podcast in Troll Latin, you've come to the right place. [audio http://dl.dropbox.com/u/98302924/Disembodied%20Voices%20-%20Episode%2067.mp3]

Opening song:  Test Dummy, originally from Mega Man 2 and remixed by AE.

Ending song: Fear Not, originally from The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind and remixed by Fray.