Episode 66: Decaf Coffee is Just Fine (no it's not)

Video games fly through the air like sparks at a bonfire made of podcasts in Disembodied Voices Episode 66! The entire DV Cast is here to talk about the journey of Journey, the revengeful downfall of Just Cause 2, the deep space adventures of FTL, the intense radicalness of Noitu Love 2: Devolution, the death-like grip of Darksiders II, the public indecency of The Last Story, the unfortunate story of Far Cry 3, the ever-present shadow of Black Ops 2, the simple wonder of Nintendo Land, and-- believe it or not-- much more. Yes, Stephen is rambling away with personal anecdotes, Cameron is playing loud music to be annoying, Zachary is feeling "eh", and Bryan almost resigns as host, but there are still lots of video games. [audio http://dl.dropbox.com/u/98302924/Disembodied%20Voices%20-%20Episode%2066.mp3]

Opening song:  Test Dummy, originally from Mega Man 2 and remixed by AE.

Ending song: Burning Up, originally from Dr. Mario and remixed by DJ Redlight.

Episode 65: No Tacos in Assassin's Creed 3

Hello, listeners, and welcome to the 65th episode of Disembodied Voices, the podcast that always talks about video games because why not? Stephen is the only one who doesn't feel the Need for Speed this week and clearly isn't the Most Wanted host, but he still has a couple of ridiculous stories from the explosive world of Just Cause 2. If you're still pining for more open-world shenanigans, Cameron has a pretty good story about how he killed five tigers using only a bow and Molotov cocktail thanks to Far Cry 3. On a less violent note, Nintendo Land is way better than it should be, and it is talked about with joyful wonder and wonderful joy. The Wii U itself also gets a mash-up discussion of simple reactionary thoughts and critical analysis. Oh, anda  Dishonored vs. Thief: Deadly Shadows discussion turns into a coup staged by the power-hungry Bryan. It's a crazy episode, folks. [audio http://dl.dropbox.com/u/98302924/Disembodied%20Voices%20-%20Episode%2065.mp3]

Opening song:  Test Dummy, originally from Mega Man 2 and remixed by AE.

Ending song: Saturday Night Speedway, originally from Sonic CD and remixed by Gecko Yamori.