S3 E23: You Get A Segment, You Get A Segment, Everyone Gets A Segment!

In this brand-spanking-new episode of the Whales are Whales Pod-Cast, stuff happens and everyone laughs! Ok, real talk, no one reads these descriptions, right? Ya'll just click on the episode button and listen to the episode. I once had a teacher in highschool who never actually graded our work, he's just give us a grade based on what he thought we deserved. One time, we put an insult on the third page of a 10 page paper (it was a very mean insult), and we never heard back from him, so we all assumed we were correct in thinking he never graded anything. 

...sorry, I might have blacked out for a minute. I hope you enjoy this week's episode of The Pod-Cast!

S3 E22: Stephen Gets Even

Stephen's back, and he's the host! No, no, not the organic living space of a parasitic creature or a male version of the beloved Twinkie inventor, but the man with the plan-- or, in this case, the dude with the 'tude. Stephen has picked up a passive aggressive attitude in his time away, so he spends every cent of his good will on calling Cameron a slob, insinuating that Bryan is boring, suggesting that Abigail is overweight, and making a vicious crack about Zachary's social life. Perhaps all the talk about beer had him drunk with power, or maybe the subject of this episode's Storytime made him prickly, but his unacceptable behavior puts him out of a job as Cameron resumes hosting duties. Which actually works better because Cameron has plenty of parasitic creatures AND Twinkies in his slobby mess of a kitchen HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAH

[Editor's note: Stephen has also been removed from his editing duties.]

Direct download: https://ia601509.us.archive.org/1/items/WAWEpisode22Final/WAW%20Episode%2022%20Final.mp3

Edited by Cameron (except for the sponsor, which was Stephen). Our theme music is The Olive Gang by coda. All other music is from Incompetech and Bensound.

S3 E21: W_ Ar_ _r__nan_

After last week's rousing success, Bryan has decided to take matter's in someone else's hands and make Cameron host. Cameron used his dizzying power and authority to be really polite and ask people good questions. Weddings were also discussed extensively for some reason, despite no one really liking them.

Edited by Cameron. Our theme music is The Olive Gang by coda. Sound effects are from Freesound.

S3 E20: A Very Normal Episode

Welcome to the Whales are Whale Pod-cast, a normal podcast with normal people who discuss normal things! Like normal guns, normal getting old, and normal complimenting Bryan (who is very normal). I hope you normally enjoy this episode a normal amount! That would be normal.

Edited by Bryan. Our theme music is The Olive Gang by coda. Sound effects are from Freesound.

S3 EBonus: WASD E4: New Genre, Let Me Get Your Opinion: Batsoulslite?

On WASD this week, Zachary and Cameron invite fellow Whales and Whales network member Tzuf onto to the show to discuss why Souls games appeal to many people, and how so many games take the formula, but mix it up to better or worse effects. Cameron goes on and on about how Batman: Arkham Knight is literally exactly like the other two games, except there is a Batmobile, Zach and Tzuf talk about RPGs a lot, and at the very end, we discuss... the age of the members of the network? That doesn't involve video games, and we're quite sorry. 

Edited by Cameron (and he's sorry for the... "music")

S3 E9001

Today the podcasters are faced with a new challenge—end on time or DIE.

No, really. 

In this week’s episode Bryan is too busy, Cameron berates defenseless high schoolers, Abigail fights against grammar illiteracy, and Tzuf stays up until 4am to talk about dragon balls.

Edited by Abigail. Our theme music is The Olive Gang by coda. Sound effects are from Freesound.

SBonus EBonus: Interview with Miss Anime

Hey folks, there's no new episode this week, and there's a very good reason for that. The Whales are Whales crew thought the best way to celebrate Memorial Day weekend would be for us to all go to Japan. How exciting!

While we were there, I ran into Miss Anime and had the exciting opportunity to conduct an on the spot interview. She had a lot of great things to say, and even gave one of her trademark greetings to all her overseas fans. I hope you like it! 

We'll be back next week with a proper episode. See ya then!

Interview conducted by Zachary. Edited by Zachary. Thanks again to Miss Anime for taking time out of her busy schedule to speak with us.  

S3 E17: Please Do Not Eat Cow Eyeballs

Have you ever wanted an extensive list of everything Abigail ate over the course of a week? Perhaps there's been a burning drive to learn the exact heights of three random people you've probably never met? OR MAYBE. JUST MAYBE. You have spent many a sleepless night wondering why Kentucky bluegrass is called bluegrass.

If so wow congratulations this episode is freakishly tailored for you.

Edited by Bryan. Our theme music is The Olive Gang by coda. All other music from Incompetech.

S3 E16: The Bryan, Abigail, and Not-Abigail Show

Bryan, Abigail, and Abigail’s sister, Ariel, come to you from a small room in a small house in the small town in the small…ish state of Florida. Gathering in-person (for once) and recording on a not-so-great built-in laptop mic, these three chums talk about wanting more money, try to read Stephen’s mind, and advising Ariel not to get into anime.

S3 EBonus: WASD E3: Prey for the Rakuen Heroes

On this week's WASD, Stephen shows up to talk about a pretty little game called Rakuen. As for the usual panelists, Cameron wants to know if Heroes is bad for his health, and Zachary is playing things that aren't JRPGs. It all culminates in a big quiz fight between Cameron and Stephen over who knows their video game bosses best. 

Editor's Note: There is no background music this week because I'm insanely busy reviewing two big JRPGs for HonestGamers (shameless plug) and I'm way behind thanks to a bunch of stuff all happening at once. It's no excuse, but I still want to apologize! 

Edited by Zachary. 

S3 E15: We're All Good Liars... Except Cameron

It is currently almost 3 in the morning, Pacific Time, and I'm not crazy in the mood to figure out how to write a witty and interesting description to this episode of the Pod-Cast, so instead, here's a factual, informative list of some of the things we talked about: liars 

1. Abigail hates Blink 182.
2. Ben's fridge is broken, and can't eat various processed meats. 
3. Bryan hates dogs.
4. Cameron is a bad actor.
5. Stephen is over-the-moon upset about the disappearance of the pig emotie in Skype.

Nothing in the show notes, because frankly it's a joke that's too good to not keep up with. 

Edited by Cameron. Our theme music is The Olive Gang by coda. All other music from Incompetech.

S3 EBonus: WASD E2: Heroes of Caligula

On this week's episode of WASD, Cameron has been playing Heroes of the Storm because the feng shui of his house isn't conditioned towards Persona 5 yet. In other news, Zachary is reviewing an obscure Vita JRPG called The Caligula Effect that he wishes everybody played, but knows they won't. Also, Fallout 4 is all kinds of garbage - that's something we can all agree on.  

Music this week: 
Heroes of the Storm - Smugglers Cove (The Lost Vikings 2)

The Caligula Effect - Sadistic Queen (Instrumental)

Edited by Zachary.

S3 E14: Introducing Dani

Mr. and Mrs. Smith is already so a movie so we aren't allowed to make that the episode title but that's a real shame because it's very accurate. Dani, wife of our very own Benjamin, drops by to visit for a round of Questions, Questions, Questions: Making Dani Feel Welcome (hug). Does it work? YOU DECIDE. (Actually Dani probably decides because she's a free-thinking individual.)

The proper Skype hug: 


Dani's lovely wine: http://liquorliquidators.com/media/catalog/product/cache/1/image/391x/9df78eab33525d08d6e5fb8d27136e95/r/i/risatamda750.jpg

I'm 3. I know everything. AMA: https://www.reddit.com/r/casualiama/comments/65788g/im_3_i_know_everything_ama

Direct download: https://ia601500.us.archive.org/16/items/WaWS3E14/WaW_S3_E14.mp3

Edited by Abigail. Our theme music is The Olive Gang by coda. All other music from Incompetech.

S3 EBonus: WASD E1: The Poem For Everyone's Yookas

In this very first episode of WASD, Zachary and Cameron bring to you a bonus slice of video game discussion that just isn't fit for the pod-cast. Enjoy their talk of Persona, Yooka-Laylee, and that's about it. Seriously, they talk about those two games for an hour because the DVCast has returned from the grave. I promise it will be better next time! 

Edited by Zachary. 

S3 E13: Laughter Isn't Cool, Guys

Wow! Can you believe there's another episode of the Pod-Cast up this week? Well, neither can we. You should listen to it. Or don't. I'm text on a page, not a cop. 

This week, we discuss laughter, Destiny Lore, podcasts and other shows we listen to and watch that are better than our own shows, and human trafficking! That last one might not be true... or at least, some people on the panel seem to think so. 

Edited by Cameron. Our theme music is The Olive Gang by coda

Link Dump: 

Tim's new drawings - https://imgur.com/a/LYf7Z

Cameron's Deck

S3 E12: Our/The Bosses Suck

It's a long one today, folks! Ben, Bryan, Cameron and Zachary spend a long time guessing which model of new Roomba that Cameron got, discussing why bosses in general sucks, and what sort of jobs they all have. Then, Stephen shows up, and the discussion turns to video games! Treading the same topic that Cameron and Zachary discussed a few weeks back, the friend go in-depth about Breath of the Wild (as much as you can do so having only played one dungeon), and I guess come to the conclusion somehow Nier is the very best video game of all time. 

This goes on for almost an hour and a half, so either buckle your seatbelt, or run away crying! 

Edited by Cameron. Our theme music is The Olive Gang by coda


S3 E11: Dismebodied Voices Episode 145: Sobjectivity

On this week's episode of Disembodied Voices, Cameron and Zachary discuss the latest open world darlings to hit our open world - The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild and Horizon: Zero Dawn. Cameron is the only one who has played both, but Zachary is able to draw upon opinions from the Internet to keep up in the conversation. 

After sneaking in a bit of NieR talk, the dynamic duo discuss sobjectivity and what it means to love games that may not be as good as you remember them. It's a grand old time. 

A note, out of courtesy for our listeners: We discuss the "dungeon" design, and a bit of how the story telling works in Breath of the Wild, though nothing in extreme detail. But consider this your MILD SPOILER WARNING. 

Edited by Cameron. Our theme music is The Olive Gang by coda


S3 E10: The King Of Amine

When asked what this particular episode was about, this was Zachary's exact reply:

"In this episode, Zach, Abigail and Bryan sabotage Ben's game for the second time. Also, Zach is the new King of Anime."

Sounds like another amazing episode of the Whales are Whales Pod-Cast!

Scatagories stuff

  1. Things you shout

  2. Tools

  3. Things you make

  4. Ways to kill time

  5. Things found in the ocean

  6. Weapons

  7. Cartoon characters

  8. Games

  9. Things that are square

  10. School supplies

  11. Colors

  12. Parts of body

Farmers rake




Chris MacAlister : 60 Second Songs (Vol. 1)