Episode 97: Well, Butter My Garlic Bread

If Disembodied Voices had an official food pyramid but the food was video games, it would involve the four portions of relevant genres: Visual novels, Blizzard games, MMOs, and Blizzard games that are also MMOs. Zachary is neck-deep in crazy stories that each have higher word counts than a script to the Metal Gear Solid series, which he attempts to explain without confusing the hats off of everyone. It's StarCraft II all night for Bryan and Cameron as they strive for silver status, but Stephen is with becoming the very best (the best there ever was) pet battler in World of Warcraft. Perhaps the most interesting aspect of this particular episode was the lengthy discussion on butter and its proper usage. Oh, and there was also Grand Theft Auto V. Opening song: Electrolytic Man, originally from Mega Man and ReMixed by MaJIN_SaN, ambient, and tomatsu.

Ending song: G.E.R.U.D.O., originally from The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time and remixed by Tepid.

[audio https://www.cubby.com/p/_98b0593bb47148f89861cfaced17ba68/Disembodied%20Voices%20-%20Episode%2097.mp3]