Episode 125: The Dark Souls of the Force

May the fourth be with you, and may it also be with Zachary 'cause it's his birthday! (At the time of this recording, at least. Come on, these guys don't have time travelling powers like Putt-Putt. Not everyone can be like Putt-Putt you judgmental ruffian.) The episode starts out with a bunch of yelling and weird music, but before you know it Zachary is jumping out of his own metaphorical birthday cake to make a surprise appearance. He and Cameron go on and on about Dark Souls II again, so you'd better be down for talks of death and stat-based intrigue. There's still room for Guess That Pokemon: Wookieepedia Edition, a quiz that pits two beloved science fiction universes together in a clash that reveals Admiral Ackbar's first name. Cameron hates this game. :) Opening song: Chalupa Pass, from Minimap and composed by coda.

Ending song: Title Theme, from Musical Star Wars Birthday Card and composed by John Williams.

[audio https://www.cubby.com/p/_8fd163d115ca4aed81b4fd1e2813d48e/Disembodied%20Voices%20-%20Episode%20125.mp3]