Episode 113: Never/Always Tell Me the Odds

The DV Cast is ready to roll... the dice! Because this episode is about randomness in game design! Which includes dice! Or a die if you're working with the singular use! Spelunky and Hearthstone, games that Stephen simultaneously wants to high five and slap in the head, make their own arguments for the great game of chance, but StarCraft Time represents the merits of unyielding uniformity in the face of uneven odds. Cameron becomes a storyteller in the first ever segment Nutter Family History, venturing into the mythical Corn Palace before heading back to Lowrule for some controversial opinions. Bryan, in the meantime, becomes unpopular for having a good time. Speaking of having good times and being unpopular, this episode of Disembodied Voices is ready to roll... the dice! (The joke is funny enough to use twice.) Opening song: Chalupa Pass, from Minimap and composed by coda.

Ending song: Roaming... Please Wait, originally from Final Fantasy and ReMixed by BONKERS.

[audio https://www.cubby.com/p/_71a16b3af192452d942e0e911952a5df/Disembodied%20Voices%20-%20Episode%20113.mp3]