Episode 111: "Organ Trail" is a Pun FYI

Bryan is in braving the harsh weather in Florida this week (weather reports predict alligators) but everyone else is safe and sound, speaking into microphones as it was always meant to be. Although Cameron's microphone is on the fritz, that doesn't stop him from relaying the heartwrenching tale of Organ Trail and how the simulated DV Cast members fell one by one to the apocalyptic realities of ambiguous puns. The journey is almost as deadly as Stephen's descent into Spelunky, a game he hates and loves much as Gollum hates and loves the Ring. But don't let these horrible fates get you down; Broken Age is here to brighten up the place up, even if its heroine is a little dull. An in-depth conversation on adventure games and their debatable merits is accompanied by an in-depth conversation on Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons and its debatable merits, during which we learn that Zachary is a terrible person. Most exciting of all, Summarize a Game in Five Words forces everyone to bring a handful of games they're looking forward to-- and summarize the picks of someone else! (Oh snap, plot twist!) So join the DV Cast in prayer to keep Bryan safe from 'gators as you listen to another episode of almost nobody's favorite video game podcast. Opening song: Chalupa Pass, from Minimap and composed by coda.

Ending song: AmIEviL, originally from The Secret of Monkey Island and ReMixed by AmIEviL.

[audio https://www.cubby.com/p/_3c38664861ec4f6fade27c2eafff3f22/Disembodied%20Voices%20-%20Episode%20111.mp3]