Episode 133: The Lava Forge Arises

Stephen and Bryan were clowning around downtown when a comedy of errors led them straight into car accident, garnering concern from the noble Zachary and an uncalled-for The Last of Us jab from Cameron. But hey, not the minor destruction of a vehicle is nothing compared to having no legal way of playing GBA games, so it's a good thing that Joel-bashing aforementioned fool can commiserate with GameCube classics, including Luigi's Mansion, Metroid Prime, and maybe Cubivore? Oh, but gentle sir or gentle madame, the commiseration does not end there, for Zach is now a fellow MMO guy-- DPS, tanking, the whole nine yards. It's just a shame he can't expand his horizons to Minecraft, which now has an official Whales are Whales server (invite-only for now, sorry masses of fans) that the remaining DV Cast members have been plumbing for adventure and lava. Um... it's hard to think up endings to these descriptions, but who really cares, nobody reads them. [audio https://ia902501.us.archive.org/9/items/DisembodiedVoicesEpisode133/Disembodied%20Voices%20-%20Episode%20133.mp3]


Direct link to the episode yaaaaaaay!

Opening song: Chalupa Pass, from Minimap and composed by coda.

Ending song: Crashed Men, originally from Mega Man 2 and ReMixed by aneurySm.