Episode 103: #theDVcast #Sony #livetweetFTW

That PlayStation 4 video game console device is out on the market, but since the only DV Cast member who owns one is out sick, the others decide to talk about every other Sony product instead. It doesn't take long for Stephen to starting saying dumb statements about Crash Bandicoot the Wombat during History Time and sullying the original PlayStation's good name in the process, which turns Cameron Kratos-red with anger. Level-headed Bryan manages to stay above the Sony All-Stars Battle Royale with his commanding presence as Person Who Talks the Most, which is a fitting title during StarCraft Talk. An exciting gambit of video games can also found in this podcast, including World of Warcraft, Call of Duty: Ghosts, and Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag, which-- combined with livetweets-- should bring in the mainstream media like never before. Good times roll like heads from the God of War's wrath, so feel free to Crash the party! Opening song: Funky Bits by Yoann Turpin.

Ending song: Hogging Molly, originally from Crash Bandicoot and ReMixed by Brandon Strader and Rexy.

[audio https://www.cubby.com/p/_8c1378410cd94adc9d9fd3e3d4401fa8/Disembodied%20Voices%20-%20Episode%20103.mp3]